2016 Calendar

Month Meetings Cruises
JANUARY 14: Planning Activities
8-10: Boat Show.
Sun 17: Blooming Cedar Fever Cruise, Barry's Cove. Host: All.

11: Sailing Photography, Bill R. 

Sun 14, 2pm: Valentine's Cruise. Hosts: Lane & Mary. Barry's Cove.
MARCH 10: Polynesian Navigators, Gary & John  Sat 12: Green Irish Cruise. Hosts: Cheryl & Steve. Cindy & Paul. Barry's Cove.
APRIL 14: Amazing Restorations of Older Catalina 22's, by Jon F & James D  Sat 23: Sailing Scramble Olympics. Hosts: Todd, Patti, Sheila, Robert.
MAY 12: Coastal Navigation, by Capt Harry Polly
Sat & Sun 28,29: Turnback Regatta & Cruise. AYC & Lago Vista.
JUNE 9: China’s Maritime Disputes, by Todd, Maritime History LecturerSun 19: Flor de Cana Cruise. Hosts: Robert, Diane, & Mark. Barry's Cove.
JULY 14: Presentation on Running Aground & Stuck anchors, by Capt Gary
Sun 7/17: Picnic Cruise. Sandy Creek Marina. Host: All.
AUGUST 11: "50 Places to Sail" book: where we have sailed. Led by John. Sat 13: Jump In Land & Water Cruise, Hosts: Lydia and John.
SEPTEMBER 8: Coastal Navigation & Knots, by Capt Gary Sat 10 - Sun 11: Overnight and Breakfast Cruise at Cypress Creek Park. Hosts: Batter Blasters Joe, Clay, Robert, & John.
OCTOBER 13: More Places We Have Cruised. Led by Co-Commodore John. Fri 21, Sat 22, Sun 23: Up the Lake Travis Cruise. Host: Robert.
Sat 29 & Sun 30: Kemah-Galveston Cruise. Host: Capt John.
NOVEMBER 10: "Sailing the Pacific Cup, Twice," by Justin. Sat 12: Veteran's Day Sundancer Grill Cruise. Host:  Diane.
DECEMBER no meeting Sat. 10: Holiday Party at AYC. Coordinator: Diane.