The Stough Award

All Catalina Fleet 69

Austin, Texas

Presented to persons who exhibit a boundless love for both the sport of sailing and fellow members of the Catalina Fleet 69.

Herb and Irma Stough were persons who were always there to catch your bow line, offer you a hand, give you a smile, lend you  an ear. If there was a fire they probably gathered most of the wood. Got a question? Feel free to ask Herb and he’d be glad to discuss it with you. New to the fleet and don’t know anyone? There was Irma with a warm, gracious smile and presto!, you felt like one of the gang.

Every action, statement or offer was made willingly and with genuine sincerity. For their efforts, they received great pleasure in your presence and knowing you were being given the opportunity to share an experience or event, which brought them great happiness and enjoyment.

No, you don’t obtain this honor by simply hosting the best cruise, being the best racer, or accomplishing the most for the Fleet. But, rather by exhibiting a love for the sport, the events, and a dedication to do as much as you possibly can for the enhancement of the Fleet and the co-members’ enjoyment.

Through this exhibited spirit we will have a richer sailing experience and Herb and Irma will always be sailing with us.

“You just knew they were always going to be there welcoming you to their home or guiding your boat into shore and catching your bow line.”

Stough Award Recipients
1987 Robbie N
1988 Howard S
1989 Howard S
1990 Steve P
1991 Joe R
1992 Irma S
1993 Clay L
1994 Hal W
1995 Mike and Annette B
1996 Jim D
1997 Cheryl P
1998 Charles and Pat J
1999 Steve and Cheryl P
2000 Gary P
2001 Gary P
2002 Steve and Meri S
2003 Bob J
2004 Marty C
2005 Phyllis C
2006 Robert A
2007 Keith R
2008 Sheila A
2009 Joe L
2010 Cheryl P
2011 Dave Z
2012 Todd C
2013 John G
2014 Diane C
2015 Steve and Akiko
2016 Joe L
2017: James D
2018: Steve P

The Blooper Award


All Catalina Fleet 69

Austin, Texas

This prize is awarded to the fleet member who committed the funniest blooper during the past year. Nominations and elections are done each year at the Annual Holiday Party. Winners do not need to be present to receive the award (so it doesn't help to stay away!)

Previous nominees have done such acts as the following (names removed to protect the not-so-innocent):: 
1990 Wrong way "discussion" 
1991 Anchors Aweigh
1992 Dropping a C22 on his foot 
1993 Anchor Fishing
1994 Spinnaker Amuck
1995 Wrong Shore Dinghy
1997 The fastest C22 mast take-down (Corpus Christi) 
1999 Who owns the registration?
2000 Running Aground in new cove south of AYC
2001 Galveston Harbor House Arrival (crash into dock & power boat)
2002 Swinging the boom into his head
2003 The dog GONE cruise
2004 Catching the buoy (and nominating oneself)
2005 Starry Starry Night (turning off anchor light while anchored in the ICW Lydia Ann Channel)
2006 Anchors Away in Barry's Cove!
2007 Get-away trailer at LCYC
2008 Award has been retired. If anyone has a blooper, they aren't telling! If you have it, please return it to the fleet. Thanks.

Updated 12/6/2012