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2018 Calendar 
Here is the link to last year's calendar: 2017 Calendar

Month Meetings
(Usually, Second Thursdays)
(usually, weekend after meeting)

AYC Races & Events
Details at AYC

JANUARY 11: Planning Activities for the year and more
21: Cabin Fever. Eat at Boat House Grill and or Sundancer. Then watch "Vanishing Sail" movie. No host.
1->7: Red Eye Regatta
Sat 13, 20, 27: Frostbite

8: Nautical Knots for Everyone, by Steve 

Sat 10. 1:00 pm. Sail with Students. Meet at T-Head and check the weather. Host: Joe.
Sat 3,10 : Frostbite
Sun 25: Spring Series #1 and Opening Day
MARCH 8: Viking Long Boats, by Todd Sat 10: St Patrick's Cruise. Steve & Cheryl

Sun 2/25, 3/4, 11, 18, 25: Spring
APRIL 12: Tuning and Rigging, by Joe Thu 5-Sun 8: Tall Ships Festival, Galveston. Phyllis.

Sun 15: Boat Olympics Challenge, Todd & Patti

Sat 7- Sun 8: Governor's Cup Regatta.
Sun 4/15, 22, 29, 5/20: Late Spring
MAY 10: West Marine Store Manager, Vickie. Coordinated by Clay.
12: Doce de Mayo, Steve & Akiko. Keller's Marina

Sat 5 & Sun 6: Turnback Regatta.
Sun 20: Late Spring #5 of 5
Fri 25: Moonburn
JUNE 14: Sea Scouts Sailing and Projects: Trey G.Sun 6/24: Flor de Caņa Cruise, Robert & Sheila, Salvador & Nina. AYC (due to weather)
Sat 6/16, 23, 30: Dog Days
Fri 6/22: Moonburn
JULY 12: Tall Ships Experience, Part I, Square Sail Rigging, by John G Sun 7/15: Independence Cruise, Lane & Mary
Sat 7/7: Independence Cup
Sat 7/14, 21, 28: Dog Days
Fri 7/27: Moonburn
AUGUST 9: Tall Ships Experience, Part II, by Gary P. and John G.
Sun 12: Land Cruise at Beach Side Billy's (not Shack 512)
Sat 8/18: Keel raft up
Fri 8/24: Moonburn
SEPTEMBER 13: Bon Voyage, Keith and Sue

(later: Book Swap, by Clay) 
Sat 9/22: Harvest Moon Festival Cruise. Hosts: Clay and Robert.  Barry's Cove.
Sun 9/9, 16, 23, 10/7: Indian Summer
9/27-9/30 Sunfish Women's North American Championship:
OCTOBER 11: Boat Checklist Review, Sheila and Robert
Sat & Sun, 20 & 21: Kemah Galveston Cruise. John G.

Fri 10/26: Catalina Wurst-fest, Diane & Mark. At the Walburg Restaurant in Walburg.
Sun 9/9, 16, 23, 10/7: Indian Summer
Sun 10/14, 21: Fall Series
NOVEMBER 8: Program and Nomination & Election of new Officers
Nautical Books, Movies, Videos, by James and Clay
Sat 10: Hot Toddy & Trivia, Louise and Walter
Sun 11/4, 11: Fall Series
Sat 17: AYC Wild Turkey Regatta
DECEMBER no meeting, see "cruises"
15: Catalina Holiday Party at AYC (approved)
Sat 8: AYC Annual Banquet (confirmed)