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2017 Calendar 
Here is the link to last year's calendar: 2016 Calendar
Check the weather. If unsuitable, we will meet ashore or on another date.
If questionable, check your email by 11 am.
here for Meeting and Cruise Ideas.

Month Meetings
(Usually, Second Thursdays)
(usually, weekend after meeting)

AYC Races & Events
Details at AYC

JANUARY 12: Planning Activities for the year and more
14: Foggy Sandwich Cruise, Barry's Cove, 2 pm. Host: Steve & Cheryl, Todd & Patti.
19-22: Boat Show.
1: Red Eye Regatta
Sat 14,21,28: Frostbite

9: Celestial Navigation by Todd 

Sat 11: Chili and Chocolate Cruise.  1:00 pm in Barry's Cove. Hosts: Joe& Joy, Mary & Lane.
Sat 4,11 : Frostbite
MARCH 9: Canal Cruising in France, by Steve & Akiko Sat 18: St Patrick's Day cruise, Barry's Cove. Hosts Cindy & Paul, Barry's Cove, 1 pm.
Sun 5,12,26: Spring (1:30)
APRIL 13: Sea Shanties with Joy, Mary, and Lane Saturday, April 15. Easter Egg Hunt Cruise. If by boat, 1:00 at Starnes Island. If by land or water, 2-2:30 at "Shak 512" on Sandy Creek. Hosts: Todd & Patti.  Sun 2: Spring (1:30)
Sat 8 & Sun 9: Governor's Cup Regatta
Sun 30: Summer

MAY 11: "Weather for Sailors," presented by a former Air Force pilot and avid sailor who is keenly aware of challenges we sailors face when we sail.
Sat 13: Cinco de Mayo Cruise. Hosts: James & Sarah, Diane & Mark, and a special secret guest.

Fri 5: Moonburn #1
Sun 7,21: Summer (1:30)
Sat 27 & Sun 28: Turnback Regatta
JUNE 8: Amazing Boat Restoration, by James Sat 10: Flor de Caņa #10. Hosts: Robert & Sheila. Barry's Cove. 1:30 pm.

Sun 4,11: Summer (1:30)
Fri 9: Moonburn #2
Sat 6/24: Dog Days (5:00)

JULY 13: Sailing around the World alone
Saturday, July 15: Bastille Day Cruise. Barry's Cove -> AYC (rain) Hosts: Cheryl and Steve Sat 8,15,22,29: Dog Days (5:00)
Fri 7: Moonburn #3
AUGUST 10: Preparing a Cruising Boat for Cruising while dry-docked. Steve & Meri
Sat 19: Wok n Roll Land Cruise. Hosts Norma & Clay, Sheila & Robert. Sat 5,12,19: Suffering Summer (5:00)
Fri 4: Moonburn #4

SEPTEMBER 14: Journey of a Lifetime: Linda McDavitt and the Clipper Round the World Race 2015-16. Breakfast & Overnight Cruise. Saturday & Sunday. 9/23-24. Hosts: Clay, Robert, and James.
Sat: Anchor overnight in Barry's Cove with pancakes and more in the morning.
Sun: Eat lunch at Ernie's on the Lake.
Sat 2: Suffering Summer (5:00)
Sat 9,23: Late Summer (1:30)
OCTOBER 12: Wild Texas Weather, by Meteorologist Troy Kimmel.
Sat 10/14 Oktoberfest. Host: Diane & Mark. 2pm, Barry's Cove
Sun 8: AYC Fund Fleet Challenge
Sat 7,14: Late Summer (1:30
Sun 22, 29: Fall (1:30)
NOVEMBER 9: Fitness for Sailing, by Lizette.
Also, Nomination & Election of new Officers
Sat 11/11: Autumn Flotilla Cruise. Meet at Starnes Island, sail to Arkansas Bend, raft up, sail or spend the night.
Sun 5, 12: Fall (1:30)
10-12: Wurst-fest Regatta (Keel)
Sat 25: Wild Turkey Regatta
DECEMBER no meeting, see "cruises"
TBD: Long Distance Cruise. Host: Robert

Sat. 16: Catalina Holiday Party at AYC.

Sat 9: AYC Annual Banquet