Month |
Second Thursdays) |
(usually, weekend after meeting) |
AYC Races & Events
Details at AYC
12: Planning
Activities for the year and more
14: Foggy Sandwich Cruise, Barry's Cove, 2 pm. Host: Steve & Cheryl, Todd & Patti.
19-22: Boat
1: Red Eye
Sat 14,21,28: Frostbite |
9: Celestial Navigation by Todd
Sat 11: Chili and Chocolate Cruise. 1:00 pm in Barry's Cove. Hosts: Joe& Joy, Mary & Lane.
Sat 4,11 :
Frostbite |
9: Canal Cruising in France, by Steve & Akiko |
Sat 18: St Patrick's Day cruise, Barry's Cove. Hosts Cindy & Paul, Barry's Cove, 1 pm.
Sun 5,12,26: Spring
13: Sea Shanties with Joy, Mary, and Lane |
April 15. Easter Egg Hunt Cruise. If by boat, 1:00 at Starnes Island.
If by land or water, 2-2:30 at "Shak 512" on Sandy Creek. Hosts: Todd & Patti.
Sun 2: Spring (1:30)
Sat 8 & Sun 9: Governor's Cup Regatta
Sun 30: Summer (1:30)
11: "Weather
for Sailors," presented by a former Air Force pilot and avid sailor who
is keenly aware of challenges we sailors face when we sail.
Sat 13: Cinco de Mayo Cruise. Hosts: James & Sarah, Diane & Mark, and a special secret guest.
Fri 5: Moonburn #1
Sun 7,21: Summer (1:30)
Sat 27 & Sun 28: Turnback
Regatta |
8: Amazing Boat Restoration, by James | Sat 10: Flor de Caņa #10. Hosts: Robert & Sheila. Barry's Cove. 1:30 pm.
Sun 4,11:
Summer (1:30)
Fri 9: Moonburn #2
Sat 6/24: Dog Days (5:00)
13: Sailing around the World alone
Saturday, July 15: Bastille Day Cruise. Barry's Cove -> AYC (rain) Hosts: Cheryl and Steve |
Sat 8,15,22,29: Dog Days (5:00)
Fri 7: Moonburn #3 |
10: Preparing a Cruising Boat for Cruising while dry-docked. Steve & Meri
Sat 19: Wok n Roll Land Cruise. Hosts Norma & Clay, Sheila & Robert. |
Sat 5,12,19: Suffering Summer (5:00)
Fri 4: Moonburn #4
14: Journey of a Lifetime: Linda McDavitt and the Clipper Round the World Race 2015-16.
Breakfast & Overnight Cruise. Saturday & Sunday. 9/23-24. Hosts: Clay, Robert, and James.
Sat: Anchor overnight in Barry's Cove with pancakes and more in the morning.
Sun: Eat lunch at Ernie's on the Lake. |
Sat 2: Suffering Summer (5:00)
Sat 9,23: Late Summer (1:30)
12: Wild Texas Weather, by Meteorologist Troy Kimmel.
Sat 10/14 Oktoberfest. Host: Diane & Mark. 2pm, Barry's Cove
Sun 8: AYC Fund Fleet Challenge
Sat 7,14: Late
Summer (1:30)
Sun 22, 29: Fall (1:30) |
9: Fitness for Sailing, by Lizette.
Also, Nomination &
Election of new Officers |
Sat 11/11: Autumn Flotilla Cruise. Meet at Starnes Island, sail to Arkansas Bend, raft up, sail or spend the night.
Sun 5, 12:
Fall (1:30)
10-12: Wurst-fest Regatta (Keel)
Sat 25: Wild
Turkey Regatta |
no meeting, see "cruises"
TBD: Long Distance Cruise. Host: Robert
Sat. 16:
Catalina Holiday Party at AYC.
Sat 9: AYC Annual Banquet |