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2020 Calendar
Reference: 2019 Calendar. Check the weather. If questionable on cruise day, check your email by 11 am.
  See the list of
Meeting and Cruise Ideas.

Month Meetings
(Usually, Second Thursdays)
(usually, weekend after meeting)

AYC Races & Events
Details at AYC

JANUARY 9: Planning Activities for the year and more Sunday 12: New Year's Resolution Cruise. Sail around and meet in Barry's Cove. 1: Red Eye Regatta
Frostbite: Sat 18,25

13: "2018 Race to Havana, Cuba," Steve Ward

Sunday 16: “el Velero de Amor”  aka “ or "The Love Boat" Cruise, Capitán Esteban and Julieta la directora de cruzeros (aka James and Sarah) Frostbite: Sat 1,8,15

MARCH 12:"Bareboat Chartering in the BVIs" by Harry Polly Saturday 14: St Patrick’s Day Cruise, canceled due to COVID-19. Opening Series – Sundays March 1, 8,22, 29, and April 5
APRIL 9: "First Aid, CPR, and other topics," by Kimery Duda, expeditionschool.com. 
Saturday 18: Bird Cruise, Sheila and Robert, via Zoom.  Opening Series – Sundays March 1, 8, then canceled due to COVID-19.
MAY 14: “Sailing and Seamanship – Ancient Origins,” Todd  Saturday 23 at 4:00 pm. Nautical Trivia via Zoom. Host: Louise. 
JUNE 11: “Outboard Motors”, Pat Feagin, “Electric Motor Experience”, Steve W. Saturday 13: Flor de Cana,  Salvador and Nina, via Zoom.
JULY 9: “Catalina Sailing Adventures with YouTube," by Clay   Saturday 18: "Sailing Annapolis to Solomons Island" by Steve W,
and "The History of the Fleet Breakfast Cruise" by Clay and Cheryl. All via Zoom.
C22s sail/race on Sunday mornings.
AUGUST 13: "The Bitter End Yacht Club in the BVIs" by Harry P.
* Saturday 15: "Nautical Trivia Game” - Louise
* Tuesday 18 morning: Sailing Hooky Cruise. Our first cruise on the water since COVID-19 began.
C22s sail/race Sunday mornings.
SEPTEMBER 10: "Thrills and Spills of Lowering and Raising the Mast of a Catalina 25" by Todd, "Zebra Mussels" by Sea Scout Emma, "Sea Scout Adventures in Navigation," by Chris S.  Sun 20: BVI Fleet Cruise discussion, via Zoom. Louise and Harry.
Sat 26: On the water flotilla cruise from Starnes Is to Arkansas Bend plus an overnight on boats.
C22: Sunday morning sail/race
OCTOBER 8: John G, “Circumnavigation of the World” Sat 24: On the water flotilla cruise and raft-up in Barry's Cove

Sun 18, 8 am: Arkansas Bend Park cleanup. 
Fall Fling Fleet Regatta
- Sat 10/10: J22/24, Ensign, C22, SC21
- Sun 10/11: Centerboards
- Sat 10/17: Multi, PHRF A&B
NOVEMBER 12: “Fleet Members’ Sailing Travelogues.” Joe & Joy, Steve W, Sheila & Robert, Gary L, Jonathan, Diane & Mark, Louise, Steve & Cheryl Sunday, Nov 22, BYO Hot Toddy cruise
C22 races on Saturdays.
DECEMBER No meeting, see "cruises"
Sun 13: Catalina Holiday Party via Zoom with the possible addition of  Sailing.
5: Turkey Regatta